
Your Name*
Home Address*


Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?*

Statement of Faith

We believe...

  • The entire Bible is God’s infallible, written Word. We believe that it was uniquely, verbally and fully inspired by the Holy Spirit and that it was written by men without error. It is the supreme and final authority in all matters on which it speaks.
  • There is one true God, eternally existing in three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) each of whom possesses equally all the attributes of Deity.
  • Jesus Christ is God, the living Word, who became flesh through His miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit and His virgin birth. We believe He lived a sinless life and voluntarily atoned for the sins of men by dying on the cross as their substitute, thus satisfying divine justice and accomplishing salvation for all who trust in Him alone. We believe He rose from the dead in the same body, though glorified, in which He lived and died. We believe He ascended bodily into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God the Father, where He, the only mediator between God and man, continually makes intercession for His own.
  • Man was originally created in the image of God. He sinned by disobeying God. Every man is in need of regeneration and renewal by the Holy Spirit. We believe salvation of man is wholly a work of God’s free grace and is not the work, in whole or in part, of human works or goodness or religious ceremony. God imputes His righteousness to those who put their faith in Christ alone for their salvation, and thereby justified them in His sight. We believe it is the privilege of all who are born again to be assured of their salvation from the very moment in which they trust Christ as their Savior.
  • The Holy Spirit has come into the world to reveal and glorify Christ and to apply the saving work of Christ to men. He continually indwells believers from the moment of spiritual birth and seals them until the day of redemption. The fullness, power and control of the Spirit are appropriated as believers yield their lives by faith to His desires.
  • The church is the body of Christ of which Jesus Christ is the Head. The members are those who have trusted by faith the finished work of Christ. The purpose of the church is to glorify God by loving Him and by making Him known to a lost world.
  • At physical death, the believer enters immediately into eternal, conscious fellowship with the Lord and awaits the resurrection of his body to everlasting glory and blessing. At physical death, the unbeliever enters immediately into eternal, conscious separation from the Lord and awaits the resurrection of his body to everlasting judgment and condemnation.
  • Jesus Christ will come again to the earth – personally, visibly and bodily – to consummate history and the eternal plan of God.
  • It is the call of the Lord Jesus Christ for all believers to love God through a personal relationship with Him, to love others by proclaiming the gospel throughout the world and to make disciples of every nation.
  • Every Christian should live for Christ and not for himself. By obedience to the Word and daily yielding to the Spirit, every believer will mature and become conformed to the image of Christ.

Have you read the Woodlands Statement of Faith?*
Do you agree with it wholeheartedly?*

Volunteer Experience

Do you have any volunteer history or church involvement?*

Education and Experience

Have you ever had your professional license suspended?*
Are you legally eligible to be employed in the United States?*
Have you ever worked at a camp?*

Employment History

Please list your most recent two employers (including present):

Personal Connections & Evaluation

Do you have friends who are connected to Woodlands?*

Personal Evaluation, cont...

Please rank yourself in the following areas.


Please check all that apply.*


The first reference should be a Spiritual Reference (pastor, small group leader, etc.).

The second reference should be an Occupational Reference (employer, supervisor, etc.).

Neither reference should be a family member.

Name of Spiritual Reference*
Name of Occupational Reference*